Contact & find us

You can easily find your way to us, and we offer free parking. 

If you arrive by public transport there is a roughly 5 minute walk from the nearest bus stops:

  • Löddeköpinge k:a - region bus line 122 (red line on the map below)
  • Vikhögsvägen - region bus lines 126 and 132 (blue line on the map below)
  • Idrottsvägen - region bus line 122 and 134

If you have trouble finding the way, do not hesitate to call us.


Arkeologiska friluftsmuseet VikingaTider
Ådalsvägen 18
246 35 Löddeköpinge

 Google maps

  +46 46-70 62 10


Contact us

You are always welcome to contact us if you have and questions and thoughts. If you have general questions about our open hours, events and bookings feel free to call us.

Map to VikingaTider