Museum shop


Shop and tourist service

When you visit us the shop is the first thing you will see. Here, like the vikings before, you can discover treasures from near and far. The museum shop is open during our events and every weekday 10am-2pm.


Something for everyone

Among our products you will find everything from fun souvenirs to beautiful replicas of historic finds. Stuffed animals representing mythological creatures, products for the body and soul, carved wooden birds and bowls. Why not buy a classic fridge magnet, Viking style? If you prefer to decorate your home or yourself with time-typical memories of the past we offer reconstructed historic ceramics, jewellery and iron-smithed treasures. If you cannot get enough of theViking Age we also offer lots of exciting litterature on our shelves.

Experience our shop and its treasures for yourself!

We also sell ice cream from Engelholmsglass! 

Locally produced crafts

In the forge the blacksmith is hard at work producing useful things for the home, our textile experts are needle binding beautiful warm socks and the carpenter's workshop makes fun board games for young and old. 

In the museum shop you will also find beautiful ceramics from ceramicist  Ingalill Andersson in Barsebäck. While you are in the area you could pay a visit to Keramikboden! And if you have a sweet tooth you can buy tasty locally produced honey from Morfars trädgård, from the bees in our area. 

Info Point - tourist service on site!

The museum shop at vikingatider is one of six Info Points of Kävlinge municipality, collaborating with the local municipality to reach out with tourist information and information about exciting events for both the locals and visiting tourists. 

Welcome inside to pick up free broschures and maps. Our staff will help you find your way around to all the destinations and attractions in the municipality.

More info about the municipality tourist service and other Info Points can be found here!